This project was contracted by Extra Mile Marketing (EMM) for their Quisitive client. EMM provided the text and Equal Agency used the established Quisitive brand guidelines to create an interactive eBook PDF that kept track of the user’s answers and tallied the score at the end of the eBook.
Fate Sensation is the online gallery/art project for musician/photographer Clifton Batchelor. His instructions for me: “Treat this website as YOUR art project – get creative with it”. So I did…
This site is small but awesome. There’s not much going on here in the way of content, but the animation that transitions between pages is so unique that it will have you clicking back and forth between the three pages.
Microsoft was trying to get IT Professionals to make the switch from XP to Windows 7. I designed this game to illustrate the benefits of Windows 7 in a fun and informative fashion. The interface is from the perspective of an IT Pro and as we make our technology choices, we can see how each decision affects the happiness of our boss and our users. The goal is to make the Boss and User happiness meters go as high as you can while unlocking as many star bonuses. This project was done while working as Senior Interactive Designer at Metia.
(Sorry, Internet Explorer is the only browser that still supports the Silverlight plugin.)
If you don’t have Internet Explorer, you can watch the screen capture…
You know how Xbox has interactive advertisements? If not, well, they do. And they can be pretty cool, too. This “ad demo” is a simulation of an Xbox interactive ad built in Silverlight. Since a Microsoft salesperson can’t run around town selling ads with an actual Xbox unit, this solution allowed them to use their laptop instead. These ads were designed by someone else. We took video screenshots of the live Xbox ads and recreated them in Silverlight. This work was done while working at Metia as the Senior Interactive Designer.
Poke, shake, and swipe! Get physical with Metia Man and discover his “special move” in each of the six scenes. After building this costume out of foam and shooting and editing the video, I used background artwork from Chris Zappala and audio code from Dylan Kilgore to bring this highly interactive and entertaining peice of mobile app marketing to life. This project was done while employed at Metia (images and apps are their property).
The SQL Server team wanted a way to show how their product stacked up against the competition and to let business owners see how SQL would affect their business. This work was done by Matt Wilson while employed at Metia (images and code are property of Metia and Microsoft).