The company F2V wanted to create a commercial to demonstrate their new river-mapping technology (it’s like Google Maps for waterways). They hired videographer Wolfgang Isenhart to produce the video and he hired me to model a 3D replica of their raft and the cameras and sensors that are used. I animated and rendered the equipment from all angles with transparent backgrounds so they could be overlayed on top of photography and video backgrounds.
Author Archives: Matt Wilson
Hero Acts Logo
Adaptable Agency Logo
Cucina Casalinga
Nominated for a CSS Design Award, this site features page transitions, animated elements, responsive page layouts, and a custom CMS that allows the cook to make site updates on her own.
K2 Infographics
Hand-made Pop-up Cards
GoDaddy Campaign
Four small business campaigns complete with animated Flash banner ads, PowerPoint decks, PDF One-pagers, and HTML emails. This was one of the firstGoDaddy campaigns to use their new visual branding. The project was contracted thru Metia.
Aston Martin + Microsoft
My developer friend Jon and I were contracted by Metia to build this super-sweet online case study showing how luxury sports car makers Aston Martin use Microsoft technologies in their IT department. It is a one-page scrolling site that uses a parallax effect and CSS animations to engage readers and works wonderfully to keep you scrolling down the page. Have a look!